Monday, January 18, 2010

On location: Ghana

Van and I spent the weekend getting ready for our January 30th departure for Ghana to shoot a couple of short documentaries for the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST), a non-profit arm of Meltwater Group out of San Francisco. A member of the Meltwater team overheard me talking on my cell phone to the former director of my graduate school about my dissertation presentation and interrupted my conversation while on the security line of San Francisco International Airport to ask if I was available to edit their video. I informed her I was also available to shoot it.

Didn't get the green light on my quote for the job until this last week, giving us less than three weeks to prepare for his five day shoot/two week edit. Lots to do.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story - lots to do with life is about timing. Not letting fear control what you do also seems to be a key ingredient. Have a great time in Ghana, can't wait to see some footage.
