Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Making of a Documentary

A whole lot of photos from our second day of shooting the Drum Makers of Accra and our last day in Ghana so I'll let the photos tell the story. If you find yourself in Accra, head to the Center for National Culture, better known as the Arts Market on the 28th of February Road down by the seaside. Ask for Yussif or Jaguar who build drums and teach lessons at the Best Way Art & Craft Drum Shop. They may even offer to take you up North to their village on the Burkina Faso border.
Images of the Rastafarian God and former leader of Ethiopia Haile Selassie I can be seen all over Ghana.

Vân collecting sound of an impromptu drum jam.

Vân then taking some drum lessons from shop owner Moro (left), Yussif (center) and Jaguar (right).

Drum carvers find some shade from the 100 degree February sun.

This artist is carving the symbol "Gye Nyame" (accept God). It's a symbol of the Omnipotence and immortality of God and is seen all over Accra.

Goat skins used for the faces of the drums. They didn't have a vegetarian option.

Drums are not the only thing for sale at the Arts Center. The baskets are beautiful.

Happy boys with their baskets.

Directing the boys in the hot African sun. These were long, hot shoot days.

Yussif (left) and Jaguar (center) explain the importance of the Ghanaian drum.

The drum shop owner's daughter is not to be left out of the action.

This seven year old boy had more rhythm than I will ever have.

I turned the LCD viewfinder on my Panasonic HPX170 around so these children could see themselves on camera (it also gave me a great shot).

I could hardly understand how this instrument worked but this guy could play!

Scouting out my next shot. These guys played four songs for us as the sun went down on our last day in Ghana.

Had to have my audio level dial on "1" as these drums were loud.

A hole in the drum face didn't stop these young percussionists.

Yussif (far right) leads the song, first with his singing and then he danced.

Jaguar (far right) played the bass drums with energy.


  1. que lindas fotos!!!!, te flicito y te envidio, me gsutaria también estar viviendo eso,muy bueno.

  2. sweet photos, makes you wanna see them in movement with some rhythm!
